Planning your business trip overseas
At an early stage in the export process it helps to go and see for yourself which market offers the best opportunities and where to focus your efforts. Having a plan in place really helps to get the most from your trip.
Determining where and when to visit
There are no fixed and fast rules about how soon to visit a market, but one thing is clear: you should always visit before entering into any agreements with prospective agents, distributors or other business partners that could influence your future dealings in that market.
The choice of market will depend on the work you have already done in researching opportunities with your Export Advisor - and possibly as a result of direct enquiries you have already received. Rather than just visiting one prospective customer or agent, however, consider calling on several to give you a basis for comparison.
Always leave the most prospective until last – when you are better prepared to handle enquiries and evaluate the fit with what you want to do. Don’t take on more than one or two markets to start with. Concentrate your effort to have a much better chance of success
Plan your trip at least six weeks in advance
Your Export Adviser will assist you plan your visit and make contact with the Austrade office, state or territory government offices and Chambers of Commerce that can assist you.
One of the best investments you can make in a successful trip is ensuring your program is planned and arranged with in-country assistance. This will help you see the right agents and customers who will be briefed and screened for interest and suitability.
In planning your visit take note of holidays and religious festivals that occur at the time of your planned visit.
Where possible, when booking flexible flights that are scheduled to arrive early in the morning and depart in the evening. Always ensure you allow for additional travel time to and from airports if meetings run overtime or in countries where traffic can be unpredictable.
Have all your paperwork in order
A checklist of things to prepare before you go appears below. Anticipate that you will be asked about price, volumes and/or capacity and delivery times. Talk with shipping agents in Australia about delivery times and costs, as well as constructing an export price. Rehearse a series of possible scenarios (given prospective workloads) with your production team before you leave. This will help you negotiate price and delivery with more certainty.
Do some background reading
First impressions are critical. If you have never visited that country before and don’t know much about it, go on the Internet and read from a range of sources. Find out something about the country and its way of life (a list of suggested websites is provided below). Reflect on how you would view someone visiting Australia to do business with you, who has no idea of life in Australia. It is best not to consider this reading as helping you to articulate a point of view about the country or enter into a debate – but rather it is to enable you to ask more informed questions – and form a better commercial judgement of the people you meet.
A visit without follow up is pointless
Time and again highly prospective business meetings come to nothing without appropriate follow up. Make sure, within 48 hours of each appointment, you send an email thanking your contact for meeting with you, providing follow up information and noting if necessary that you will get back to them within a specific time period on further particular requests. This will leave a good impression and demonstrate that you are someone with whom business can be reliably done.
We suggest you keep this list – and make it a ‘to do’ list to ensure you achieve all you can.
First steps – ideally at least six weeks before you propose to travel:
The first step is to check your passport. Make sure it is current. As a general rule you should have at least six months’ validity on your passport before any trip.
Check if you need a visa to visit that country. Visa information is available on the Embassy or Consulate website for the country you intent to visit.
Visas can take 4 or more weeks to arrange – particularly if you require more than one, and you need to send your passport away by post/courier with an application.
Discuss the timing of your visit with your Export Adviser. Ensure your visit program can be arranged in that time.
Book your flights and hotels. Look for hotels with good business centres and in-room Internet access.
Check your vaccinations are up-to-date and arrange your travel insurance.
Important websites to check:
Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade – – this website provides Top 10 Tips, recommendations and travel advisories for the countries you plan to visit. On the same website you can also subscribe free of charge to an email alert service, providing the latest travel and consular advice on where you propose to travel.
Review the Austrade country profiles on the countries you propose to visit. These country profiles provide information on the current business situation and business culture.
Check your eligibility for the Australian Government’s Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) scheme – talk to an EMDG Adviser about your entitlements under the scheme and what receipts you will need to keep. Make sure your company accountant is well briefed as well.
Review your in-market strategy:
In preparing for export you will already have developed a general export strategy . Review this and perhaps add to it further for this particular market.
Review your unique selling proposition, ie. the distinct and appealing selling message that sets your product or service apart from its competitors. You may want to enhance it or add some specifics for this market. Discuss your concept with your Export Adviser.
Set down on paper exactly what you want to achieve from this visit – and if possible the individual meetings that you are scheduling.
Develop a series of questions you want to ask at each type of meeting. Questions could include:
What role your product/service would play in their business strategy
How do they propose to market your product/service
What resources would they commit to that
How would they support after sales service
Terms of payment
Non disclosure agreement before further discussions
Don’t be rushed into an agreement
When prospective agents/distributors see your company can offer a market advantage, they may try to rush you into signing an agreement and lock you into an arrangement. Be very careful. Agreements are hard to modify and costly to break.
If possible, delay any agreement until you have returned to Australia and have considered the proposal. Consult your legal adviser. Match the proposed draft agreement with one that you consider best reflects your interests and always seek legal advice from your own legal provider should you be unsure about the agreement prior to signing it.
Austrade does not endorse or guarantee the performance or suitability of any introduced party or liability for the accuracy or usefulness of any information contained in this Report. Please use commercial discretion to assess the suitability of any business introduction or goods and services offered when assessing your business needs. Austrade does not accept liability for any loss associated with the use of any information and any reliance is entirely at the users’ discretion.
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